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Словарь с урока "британцев":
activity n something that you do, or something that a company does: The company has different activities, for example making computer games and videos. Collocations work activities business activities
diversify v increase the range of goods or services a company produces: Our company is diversifying into cosmetics- diversification n
employment n work that you do to earn money: After leaving university, i'm going to look for employment. - employ v to pay someone to work for you: The company employs 2,000people worldwide. - employer n a person or company that employs others - employee n someone who works for another person or company
goods n things that a company produces for sale or for use: Supermarkets buy goods and sell them to their customers
industry 1 n the production of goods or services to sell: Industry has become more competitive. 2 a particular type of industry or service: The car industry is producing too many cars. - industrial adj
manufacture I/ produce large quantities of goods for sale using machinery: Nike manufactures sports shoes. - manufacturer n
responsibility n something that you are in charge of in a particular job: The
manager has responsibility for her department. - be responsible for something Tm responsible for telephone sales.
retailer n a business that sells goods to the general public and not to shops: Dixons is a retailer of electronic goods.
sector n all the organisations or companies in a particular area of industry: The number of jobs in the service sector is increasing.
service n usually plural] a business that sells help, advice, consultancy, etc., not manufacturing: A lot of companies offer financial services now.
team n a group of people who work together to do a particular job: We have an excellent sales team.
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